Justice, Race, and the Gospel

Ahmaud Arbery

George Floyd

You have to be hiding in a cave if you don’t know these names. These two black men, one in Georgia and the other in Minnesota, were murdered. They lost their lives. Gone, in a moment. They were not tried for some heinous crime and given the death penalty. One was shot while out on a jog. The other one was suffocated under the knee of a policeman. Tragic, senseless loss of life. Each of these incidents has caused public outrage. Facebook, Twitter, and every news site is filled with the story and responses to the story. My heart is broken over this loss of life and the evils of the systemic racism in our country that is exposed when these stories go public.

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God’s Defining Mark on Your Life

This week I was saddened to hear the news that Ravi Zacharias had died. His writing and speaking have had a huge impact on my faith since I came to faith in Christ in 1994. So, over the next few weeks, on “Consider This,” I want you to honor his influence on the lives of so many people by considering some of the things he has written.

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Avoiding Anger Overload in the Digital Age

I have been thinking through this entire article, but there is one quote that I have been carefully considering from Jonathan Edwards that he wrote 300 years ago:

“The real strength of the good soldier of Jesus Christ is simply the steadfast maintenance of a holy calmness . . . sustained amidst all the storms, injuries, wrong behavior, and unexpected acts and events in this evil and unreasonable world. The Scripture seems to intimate that true fortitude consists chiefly of this: ‘He that is slow to anger, is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit, than he that takes a city’ (Prov. 16:32).”

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I Don't Want to Go Back to Normal

Trevin Wax wrote, in the linked article, "Let’s not go back to normal. Let’s come away from this challenge with a new vision of what normal could be."

I read this article a few weeks ago and it adjusted my perspective. Instead of looking back to what I didn't have with disdain and frustration, I made the decision to lean into what is happening with anticipation and faith.

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