God’s Defining Mark on Your Life


Consider this

This week I was saddened to hear the news that Ravi Zacharias had died. His writing and speaking have had a huge impact on my faith since I came to faith in Christ in 1994. So, over the next few weeks, on “Consider This,” I want you to honor his influence on the lives of so many people by considering some of the things he has written.

In the essay “Love Unsought,” Ravi talks about how the truth of God’s existence is found in the historical revelation of Jesus Christ. We know the love of God because of what we know to be true about Jesus Christ. He writes, “While you and I were yet wandering, Christ was wandering after us, pursuing us, even by way of the cross: love seeking the lost in human flesh.” God showcases His love for the whole world in sending His  Son to die on the cross, the ultimate sacrifice.

And God is still pursuing us. When we look back to the cross, we see God present. But more than just at the cross, when you look to your individual past and see God pursuing through challenging circumstances, you see that He was present time after time. Ravi noted, “It is often in these harrowing moments—your parents' divorce, your child's birth, the death of a loved one—where God leaves a defining mark.”

During this worldwide health crisis, as you continue to endure the stay-at-home order and other difficulties, are you stopping long enough to consider how God is at work in your life? Are you giving your mind and heart to sadness, frustration, or anxiety or are you looking with eyes of faith to see where God is working? Are you constantly worked up by the circumstances or trusting God with a confident faith?

Know this:

God exists. 

God loves you. 

God is at work. 

Right now, in whatever circumstances you are facing, look to see God at work. Learn to anticipate His work. This will help you lean into what He is doing and quickly yield to Him.

Stop and consider this question slowly and carefully:

What defining mark is God making on your life? 

Share this with others as an offering of praise. Share to stir up one another to love and good works.