I Don't Want to Go Back to Normal


Each week on "Consider This..." we want you to consider something we share: an article, a quote, a podcast, something to challenge you in your discipleship, stir up discussion, or encourage your faith.

Consider This...

Trevin Wax wrote, in the linked article, "Let’s not go back to normal. Let’s come away from this challenge with a new vision of what normal could be."

I read this article a few weeks ago and it adjusted my perspective. Instead of looking back to what I didn't have with disdain and frustration, I made the decision to lean into what is happening with anticipation and faith. 

I agree with the article. I don't want to go back to normal. Do I want the forced isolation to end? Yes! But I want the lessons learned in this season of isolation to create a new normal in our church and in my life. I am hearing the testimonies of revival in relationship with God, in marriages, and in families. I hear people saying, "I will never take _______ for granted again." Let's make commitments in this season that we carry forward into a new normal. Let's be a people that are always leaning in close to learn from God in every season of life! 

Read the article and then engage with these questions in the comments if you would like:
What are lessons you are learning during this season?  
What are you never going to take for granted again?
What new vision do you have for the future?