Talking "The Talk"


It is difficult to know how to do something when you have no example. People struggle with money because they have no model of responsible stewardship. They don’t know how to forgive because they saw conflict that never got resolved. They fail in communication because no one taught them to speak lovingly or with wisdom.

Many of these insufficiencies get revealed in parenting. Being a parent can be unbelievably thrilling and satisfying and exposing. It is a huge responsibility from God. The Bible is clear: as a parent, we are given the responsibility from God to diligently teach God’s commandments to our children (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). Part of our responsibility is to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).  

I feel the weight of this responsibility. I want to teach my children, but I don’t have a model. I am confronted with this all the time as I raise my four kids. We may be ignorant with no healthy models, but we cannot remain ignorant. This is where we need to turn to the church and the wider Christian community to encourage and guide us.

This is why I am so thankful for resources like the attached article written by Julie Lowe titled “4 Principles for Talking to Your Kids about Sex”. Sex is a daunting subject to cover with your children. I love what Julie Lowe says in the attached article, “God created sex to bless us—why is it so hard to talk about?” We know that sex was part of God’s plan with all of its purposes: reproduction, pleasure, and protection. He created us for sex, and He established sex between a man and a woman within the God-honoring structure of a biblical marriage. We have to move past our apprehension and instruct our children about sex. 

The world has taken God’s plan and systematically reduced sex into something that does not come close to what God intended. We have a responsibility to lead our children into the goodness and glory of what God intended sex to be or the world will. Julie warns, “Be the one who shapes your child’s view on sex and sexuality. It is far better to proactively inform your child’s view on a subject, than to have to go back and debunk an inaccurate view.” If your parents did not teach you about God’s plan for sex, if you have no model, then read this article to guide you and make the move to start the conversation with your children. Set a healthy example for your children that will prepare them for their future. 

Too much is at stake. If someone calls you mom or dad, then you are called by God to instruct them in the ways of God which clearly includes the subject of sex and sexuality. 

You cannot pass this responsibility off to anyone else.

Learn from others. 

Ask Him to lead you. 

Live faithful to your call. 

Trust Him with the outcome.    

Praying that you will step into what God has called you with greater confidence!

Christ ChurchBrian Bement